Sunday, August 8, 2010


Over on the Creative Every Day site the August theme is Fire.
Fire covers a lot of ground.  Literally lighting a fire, warmth.  Then there are the times I just want to burn down the studio I am so frustrated! Wildfires spreading across the landscape, fires burning the soul.

Last August while camping with my dearly beloved and oldest son, my son announced he wouldn't be returning to college.  I was heartbroken, frustrated and afraid for him.  What would become of him?  After all the years of work and so much time spent helping him to "get ahead".
At one point I felt like my hair was on fire and my heart was a dried leaf, crumpled and damaged.
I found a wrapper on the road and a dried leaf nearby.  In my journal I made a collage to express my feelings.

A year later he is fine.  He is supporting himself and is in better shape than I ever imagined.  It has taken a huge leap of faith by our son and our family.  Those days of feeling like my emotions were on fire have grown into a steadfast realization that life somehow and forever works out.


Anonymous said...

Good heavens. Your journal page is sad yes, but so lovely! And your written sentiment is wonderful. I love your dried leaf lungs!

I don't have kids... but this gets me just a little closer to how this kind of thing must feel. Glad everything worked out for him, as well as you, ha ha!

Jennifer said...

Hey, I like what you have to say too!
And I love your artwork there.

I can certainly appreciate your feelings about your son... I have 5 kids, and I quite often feel that "my hair is on fire"